Case Diary

In the first part of the story Inspector Divya s nair was interrogating a drug peddler case done by a couple who never admit the crime. Here madam shows them how smart she is in handiling such criminals and bring them before law. She consider this as a golden opportunity to get a promotion by pleasing her superior.

The interrogation day continues with madam Stephy Thomas practise several evidence hunting tecniques to find out the actual truth behind the crooked story made by two culprits. Apart from her duty now this case grew into her prestige issue among her colleague .She perform her level best to make progress

Apart from other two officers, Inspector Jamila exhibits a lack of compassion, empathy, or kindness towards others. Her actions stubborn during interrogations. Inspector Jamila carries herself with an air of superiority, looking down upon those she interacts with. She believes her way is best in crime theory
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In response to the order from her superior officer, Stephy Thomas, a stubborn officer takes her chance to interrogate the drug peddling case. The dark room witnessed a stict questions upon culprits She never compromise or negotiate with criminals. Her commitment to justice is unyielding.

A high level police conference was called in response to an arrest of a drug handling couples. An officer ordered his three subordinate lady officers to question them separately. A dimly lit, damp cell in the bowels of the police station. The walls are dark, and a single flickering bulb casts eerie shadows. Inspector Divya practices strict acts to the accused who were brought to cell for the confession